Friday, January 21, 2011

Kesha is herpes.


Alright! New blog time! Let's talk about Kesha. Now, I'm gay, so her kind of music is like.. INFUSED into me. When I hear it I get this little twitch that I just can't control. But, after a while, that twitch turns from joyful faggotry to UNADULTERATED RAGE. Her songs (even though halfway decent for clubbing) get WAY too repetitive way too quickly.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "But, all pop songs get catchy real, real fast!" -- WRONG. Even though you may get SICK of the song, you can still enjoy it later.. and get that same satisfaction you had the first time you heard it! You need to let the song sit like a fine wine.. and enjoy it later. Kesha, however, is like an $8 bottle of vodka (that'll probably be the title of her next single!) that you find at those REALLY sketchy liquor stores on "the other side" of town.

Do you have herpes yet? Well, if you do (and omg, I'm really sorry.. genuinely lol.. that must suck) I think you can relate to what I have to say next. Kesha is like a bad case of genital herpes. You can pray, you can throw a fit.. doesn't matter, you are STUCK with it. FOR LIFE.

Listen, I'm not saying I "hate" Kesha.. it's more like I despise her. I mean, I still listen to her music (you know, before the songs drive me bonkers). Why? Because it's INFECTIOUS! .. just like herpes.



  1. it's surprisingly true

  2. Agreed. And it doesn't help when you discover songs weeks, sometimes months before it hits radio only to become AIRPLAY OVERKILL. I cant stand to hear a Rihanna's Only Girl and What's My Name, but in a few months after being taken out of heavy rotation I'll like it again, but to this day Tik Tok makes me want to change the station LOL, and more with Your Love is my Drug, and We R Who We R.
